I'm Peter Smolders
Engineer by training, maker by profession and creator by nature.
Inventing and creating new things as well as solving problems are my passion. With software or hardware. I have experience with mechanical and electronic design. I am lucky to own a small lathe, a mill, a 3D printer, a desktop cutting machine and a cnc-router. Most of which I hacked to my liking.
At the same time I am interested in the arts and crafts. For most of my life I have been drawing and sculpting. Recently glass art and glass blowing became a new passion.
3D-drawing and printing
Autodesk Inventor & Blender
My PrintrBot Metal Plus 3D-printer allows me to create tools and parts in a fast and simple way.
Web Development
PHP, MySQL, javascript
Development of school website including an online subscription system, a reservation system and a custom made cms.
Mechanical engineering
Lathe & Mill
When I need strong metal parts a lathe and mill are at my disposal in my workshop.
PIC 16F628 from Microchip was the first microcontroller I learned to program. Later I moved to the multicore controller Propeller from Parallax.
Now I frequently use the common Arduino boards and sometimes RaspBerry Pi.
I program in C or, when speed is of the essence, in machine language .
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Electronic design
Eagle has been my favorite design tool for years for electronic schematics and pcb design.
Furniture design
Most of the closets in our home are designed and manufactured by myself using hand and machinetools.
Design and construction of my home
I have drawn my own plans for our new house and followed up the project. All finishes and technical installations are being done by me.
Glass Art
In 2017 I engaged with glass art and glass blowing at IKA Mechelen.
ICT skills
Work Experience
KU Leuven Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences
Development and maintenance of technical equipment used in research.
Development of a new school website, including an online subscription system, reservation system and custom made CMS.
General administration as well as development of custom themes and plugins.
Webdesigner and developer
CVO Vilvoorde
School website and custom made CMS and intranet.